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Going Green

Being passionate about Cornwall, means caring for the environment


This policy will be implemented within the framework of an environmental management system using the BS 8555 phased approach.

Going Green

Seymac Distribution was established in 1989 to promote tourist attractions and events in Cornwall, producing and distributing promotional material to the accommodation sector and various other outlets within the tourist industry.

We recognise and accept that our business activities will have an effect on the environment and we believe that our key impacts are waste management and energy use.

Every effort will be made to run our business in a responsible manner to reduce any negative impacts on the environment, and to maintain good standards of environmental performance within our organisation.

We agree to:

  • Comply with all legislative and regulatory obligations
  • Reduce waste from our activities and to maximise the amount to be reused or recycled
  • Ensure that we practice responsible energy management
  • Communicate our policy amongst all employees and to raise customer awareness whenever possible
  • Continually monitor environmental performance and strive towards improvement
  • Display this policy on our premises and website

"I ensure all staff are trained to safeguard the commitments the company has made and will work tirelessly to ensure the environmental aspects are minimised."

Tina Seymour is the environmental champion for Seymac Distribution