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An invitation from the Cornwall Assocation of Tourist Attractions

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211,321 downloads to end of October 2024 The only App you need to plan your days out in Cornwall. Full of attractions, activities, events, special offers, places to eat and stay

"Just a quick email to say thank you for the information packs delivered whilst I was out of the office last week. This year has been the first year we have used your service and we are thrilled with how easy your packs make life. Thank You"

Mandy - Whites of St Ives

"Living on the Devon side of the border, a lot of my visitors stay a night or even longer on their way to Cornwall. I find your packs are the first to go, whilst individual leaflets tend to be left. So please keep up the good work, which after all helps my business and others too."

Anne, Wolf Valley Enterprises

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App for Cornwall